Cloud storage is already well known for its benefits. But doubts still hang in the air with different hiring modes and formats. The type of service your company should hire will depend on the specific needs of your business. As no solution is the same, it is essential to understand the most suitable one for each case.

Learn more about each cloud model and understand the features and benefits in the list below

Public Cloud

The clouds known to most users are the public ones. In this sense, the most used providers are Microsoft Azure, Google Suite and Amazon Web Services – but “smaller” solutions like Dropbox also fall into this category.

As the name implies, these companies make their services available for public use through free or paid accounts with limited storage capacities.

In this way, even with the Cloud belonging to a service provider, the space is only “rented” and can be used for different computing resources such as storage and servers.

Private Cloud

If the public Cloud uses a shared server, its private version will host on its servers. Whether through the development of your company or using an outsourced service, each client will have their server and be able to divide the use of resources between different areas of the company.

By allowing diversifying the use of resources, the private Cloud generates greater control over security. In addition, dividing between storage, virtual machines, and systems is more straightforward than contracting a single service on a public cloud.

However, bear in mind that the costs are often higher and that staff will require to maintain and support the private Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

When we combine the use of public and private solutions, we have what is called a hybrid cloud. It happens when companies use both modes for different functionality.

An example of use is to store sensitive documents in the private version and others that depend on recurring access to the public Cloud. In addition, other high-volume demands such as web-based emails work well in this model.


Don’t confuse Multicloud with the previous item – it is not a hybrid cloud scale, and they are different solutions. In this case, the multi takes place using more than one public Cloud through other service providers.

Its primary use is to ensure the high availability of critical applications by spreading resources across multiple providers and vendors.

What Is The Best Cloud Storage For Your Business?

Now that you already know the types, it is necessary to understand the best storage for your company before choosing suppliers.

As we said, which cloud to use will depend on your company’s needs and tasks. Different workloads, costs, and security concerns are just a few factors to consider.

The public Cloud works excellent for workloads that have high volume and demands. The private Cloud helps usages with predictable patterns, and the hybrid covers all options. In the case of Multicloud, it can optimize the use of the public Cloud – with different providers.

Regarding the more secure Cloud, the topic is complex. Public clouds offering multi-tenancy are more vulnerable as they have more access points, and the responsibility for security will divide providers and tenants.

Meanwhile, private clouds are more secure as demands will perform with a user firewall. However, this may vary as it will depend on the security capacity of the user and the responsible team.

In the case of the hybrid Cloud, users and administrators can mitigate risk by migrating data and workloads between environments. Based on levels of compliance, secrecy, auditing and internal and external policies, you can use the best features in all settings.

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Another critical point is the cost. Which of the clouds is the most economical? Again, the answer is simple: it depends.

The best value for money will be the one that meets your needs at the lowest possible cost. And having an up-to-date ROI calculation with all the options can help you before you hit the hammer.

Public clouds can be accessible for single users and charge for used space in the case of companies. However, the person responsible for configuring the private Cloud will also have the task of purchasing and renting new hardware and resources and making budgets.

The hybrid model, on the other hand, can include on-premise, off-premise and Cloud as a Service forms of contracting – depending on the provider, a custom environment will create that is suitable for costs and requirements.

Modernize Your Infrastructure With Storageone

Performing the migration of your company’s data and workloads is a complex task with several details. Therefore, having an IT consultancy as a partner can make all the difference in this type of project.

StorageOne has been helping corporations of all sizes and industries modernize for over 20 years, prioritizing performance, security and compliance. Book a meeting with one of our experts now and use the best technology to leverage your company.

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