Denying the importance of thinking about and discussing digital education today is almost the same as denying the relevance of technology in our daily lives.

Today, all school-age young people – and a good part of those in university – grew up in a world where broadband internet and cell phones were becoming famous and developing.

So many routines and behaviors have changed since then, but the classroom, in most places in the country, remains the same as it was decades ago. The problem is that the educational environment is one of the most needed renewals in the Information Age.

And this is because, at the same time that the offer of stimuli increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for the expository content to arouse the interest and attention of students. Digital education brings new challenges and opportunities, as we have never had access to so many sources of information and learning resources.

What Is Digital Education?

Digital education uses technological means in teaching methods, often combined with adopting more dynamic learning processes.

From the outset, it is essential to point out that there is no digital education model or a set of pillars and characteristics that allow a more detailed definition. After all, the technology universe is very complex and changes too much.

New developments emerge so frequently, and the possibilities are so diverse that it is impossible to establish a basis for generating a common approach that serves as a reference.

It is up to educators and educational institutions to find the formula they believe to be the most adequate to promote quality education, taking advantage of all the benefits of technological solutions.

The current scenario allows other agents to act as promoters of digital education. In a connected world with shorter distances, technology companies and non-profit organizations develop interesting education tools that are of significant influence among students and educators.

A good example is the thousands of applications for mobile devices that work as platforms for learning and disseminating knowledge. Some of them have a for-profit business model, and others only have the purpose of collaborating with the development of digital education.

How Did Digital Education Come About?

Just as it is challenging to come up with a definition that is not too generic for digital education, it is difficult to structure a formal timeline or, even worse, a starting point.

Because digital education is a process that is still in progress and that has always walked along with the digitization of communication, information, and behavior. The possibilities of this universe are as great as the creativity of those who develop technological solutions and think about their practical applications in our daily lives.

Despite this, we can safely say that the beginning of the 2000s was when digital education began to take off until it reached the enthusiasm of digital solutions and approaches that we have today.

The Internet Became Faster, And Its Access Was Unlimited.

To connect to the network, it was no longer necessary to occupy the phone signal, a significant obstacle for users. Teachers quickly noticed the change in some learning processes in schools and other educational institutions.

Digital channels continued to evolve. Today, apps, Youtube channels, blogs, and even social networks are sources of information. Along with all this, the software facilitates real-time communication between distant people by text, audio, or image, eliminating the need to be side by side to transmit knowledge. When these tools are well using for this purpose, they integrate the universe of digital education.

What Are The Benefits Of Using This Feature?

Interactivity can be incorporated as a motivator in teaching and even result in professional appreciation. The great benefit of digital education is that it provides educators with an immense universe of teaching methods.

This variety of possibilities increases the chances of generating student engagement; as we explained, most of them are digital natives. Distances are no longer obstacles, and boredom is fought with interactive solutions, which require a more protagonist attitude from students.

This way, time can be used much better, generating a much faster learning process if we compare traditional expository methods. Ultimately, digital education results in lower dropout rates due to more innovative and motivating classes.

And as it improves teaching efficiency, digital education will form more capable people. Those who enjoy the benefits of these resources at school, university, or on their own have great chances of becoming highly valued professionals in the job market.

How Important Is Digital Education?

From an early age, teaching students to filter information in a hyperconnected context is essential. In addition, digital education is essential to promote more engaged teaching, as we explained in the previous topic.

  • But also because it is a reality that encourages the democratization of access to information, as it demands fewer resources and does not recognize distances as obstacles.
  • Today, it is possible to learn about virtually any subject in the comfort of home, whenever and however it is convenient for the student.
  • Someone who lives in the countryside, for example, today can, thanks to the growing offer of distance learning courses, obtain a degree from a recognized university.
  • This type of teaching has already been frowned upon by more conservative people as if it were a less severe modality than face-to-face education.
  • However, the results are undeniable when there is student commitment, good planning and organization of lessons, and intelligent use of available technological solutions.
  • Therefore, it is also essential to discuss digital education. Understand it as a continuous and joint construction.
  • After all, there is also a downside to the world of information available on the web. There are a lot of lies, misinformation, and offensive or poor-quality content.
  • It is essential to teach young people from an early age to filter information and take advantage of hyperconnectivity in the best possible way to develop their abilities.

Digital Education At School

  • The use of digital resources and minor adaptations enrich face-to-face teaching
  • Different approaches work best at certain levels of study.
  • The school forms the citizen.
  • The child learns to socialize there, and the teenager develops his intellect for more complex issues.
  • Whether at the primary, elementary, or high school level, it is essential that school teaching is face-to-face.
  • Even so, it is possible to promote digital education –in the same way that this practice is not the mere adoption of technologies; it is not only distance learning.

Bringing Digital Education Into The Classroom Can Involve Actions Such As:

Interactive Whiteboard

digital equipment will explicitly produce for the context of the classroom.

Blog Or Vlog

Homework and homework can involve digital media for content exposure, such as blogs or YouTube platforms.


Besides readings, teachers can base tests or discussions on podcast content of their choice. Videoconferences: if the teacher needs to be present, speakers don’t.

Programs like Skype can bring other teachers into the classroom without a massive logistical effort.

Digital Education At University

The growth in the offer of distance education courses is remarkable in higher education. In many ways, the university is quite different from the school, especially in the behavior expected of the student.

The student has much greater independence due to his higher level of maturity, but not only that. University courses are training a professional to deliver him to the job market. Your future support will therefore depend on your commitment to your studies.

Thanks to these characteristics, the university can explore technologies in which the constant mediation of a professor is not necessary. That’s why undergraduate and graduate courses in distance education have been growing a lot.

As for content, the rise of digital education in universities may result in more multidisciplinary training.


Although many still turn up their noses, digital education is a path of no return. Simply because it is much more efficient: it requires fewer resources, is scalable, and is more democratic than traditional education. Therefore, it has a much greater potential to transform people around the globe.