Distance learning essay: This can be an excellent opportunity for those who want to invest in professional qualifications and evolve their careers. These are students who have conquered new opportunities in the market from a more accessible and flexible modality.
If you want to know more about its advantages and disadvantages, learn how it works, and understand how EaD students accept companies, be sure to read this article to the end.
Here are just the topics that we will cover from now on:
Table of Contents
How To Choose An Ead Course?
- Distance learning essay is nothing more than the act of studying a certain content without being in the same physical environment as the teacher. Therefore, it is an alternative to the conventional way we can also name online.
- You can take distance learning essay courses from wherever you are without having to go to the classroom to meet other students and teachers.
- In this case, the relationship between the student and the teacher takes place with the help of online tools available on the educational institution’s portal.
- It is worth mentioning that distance learning essay in Brazil is advancing at a faster pace than face-to-face learning.
- According to the 2016 Higher Education Census, at Inep (Anísio Teixeira National Institute of Educational Studies and Research), distance education expanded by 7.2%.
- In comparison, face-to-face teaching suffered an annual decline of 0.08%.
- This movement can explain two main factors: the low cost of these courses about the traditional ones and the flexible schedule for a study that they allow.
- It is undeniable that distance learning essay has made life easier for those seeking career repositioning or even professional growth.
Active Learning Method
- With increasing computerization, teaching methods have also undergone a significant evolution.
- These are changes that have generated a positive impact on both students and teachers.
- In the active methodology, the student is primarily responsible for learning.
- It occupies the center of educational actions through the problematization of reality, which aims to motivate students to develop their skills and abilities.
- In this way, the teacher proposes challenges to students and helps to solve them actively.
- This is a more dynamic way of learning, encouraging the student to learn and produce knowledge, applying it to relevant situations.
According to this Theory, Students Learn About:
- 10% reading
- 20% writing
- 50% watching and listening
- 70% arguing with other people
- 80% practicing
- 95% teaching.
It is possible to notice that the most efficient methods will insert in the active learning method.
How Ead Works (Distance learning essay)
- In general, we can say that distance learning essay works practically. The student needs a computer with internet access to start a distance education course.
- With this, the interested party must choose the course and educational institution and, if approved, gain access to the site.
- Through this dynamic and innovative portal, some tools are made available, including the theoretical content of the classes, the work, and complementary exercises.
- In this environment, the student will also find the calendar with the deadlines for the activities.
- In some undergraduate courses, face-to-face meetings must take place occasionally.
- They occur in one institution’s units, known as face-to-face support centers.
- An important factor for those who want to enter the distance learning essay modality is to have discipline, dedication, and organization.
- Without this motivation, the student ends up postponing classes and, in addition, does not obtain a satisfactory performance to be well regarded by the job market.
Distance learning essay Different Models
Not all distance learning essay courses are created equal; several models will use. The Different Models Of Distance Education (Distance learning essay)
There are different models of distance learning essay in Brazil, each with its objective, but what does not change is online education.
Among The Primary Modalities, We Can Mention:
Open courses: training in several areas that are not regulated by any government agency or law, for example, studies in cooking, and makeup, among others
- Preparatory courses are those courses that prepare the student for some achievement. The best known are preparatory for competitions, vestibular, Enem, OAB test, and even job vacancies.
- Technical courses aim to train people to enter the job market or find a professional replacement. They have some prerequisites, such as approval and eligibility with the Ministry of Education
Vocational courses: have the same objective as the technical course but do not have prerequisites vis-à-vis government agencies
University courses: undergraduate and graduate courses guaranteed by the Ministry of Education
Extension courses: work like specialization courses to help young trainees to deepen their knowledge in specific areas Corporate courses. With a more entrepreneurial approach, they serve to train employees to achieve better results within the company in which they work.
See that there is no possible justification for those who want to deepen their knowledge but do not have much free time. With distance learning essay courses, anyone can carry out some training in the area they want.
Distance learning essay Is Worth Doing
More important than knowing if distance education is worth it knows if you are prepared and able to follow the course
Is It Worth Doing An Ead (Distance learning essay)?
If you are thinking of taking an EaD course but are unsure if it is worth it, we can say that it only depends on the student.
Just like a face-to-face course, distance learning essay will only be worthwhile if the student is willing to dedicate himself to it. So it all depends on your professional and personal goals.
Several reasons lead students to opt for distance learning essay. We can mention the convenience, flexibility, and most affordable monthly fees among them. In addition, many students who live far from major centers prefer to take a distance education course to save on transportation.
However, before enrolling in an EaD course, especially undergraduate courses, which last longer, you must take some precautions. First, research the courses offered and determine if the MEC recognizes them.
What Is Distance learning essay For
As distance learning essay encompasses several modalities already mentioned above, we can say that anyone can do it with internet access. Some courses are free, and others have minimum requirements, ranging from knowledge in the area in question to operational ones (the computer must have a specific program or software).
The target audience of distance education is people who need to balance work and study and have little free time. This way, the student can set up his study schedule according to his routine.
In addition, distance learning essay courses are an excellent opportunity for those who cannot afford face-to-face study, which is usually more expensive than online. And speaking of the advantages of distance education, we separate a topic just about that.
Advantages of Ead
With the rapid growth of distance learning essay, it is even more important to know the advantages of the methodology.
As the student does not have an appointment to study, he can organize himself to do his homework and attend classes in his spare time.
However, the student cannot confuse this facility with indiscipline and disorganization: always must be attentive to the activities and deadlines.
Lower Investment
Most online courses are more affordable than in-person courses.
In addition, the student can still save on transportation expenses.
Present In Almost Every City In The Country
Even in the most remote regions of Brazil, it is possible to find an EaD course.
The tip for those who want to sign up is to look for the nearest institution to attend face-to-face meetings (if necessary).
Diploma Is Worth As Much As Face-To-Face
It does not matter what type of course the student took, face-to-face or distance learning essay, but whether he has authorization and recognition by the MEC.
Always Accessible Content
Whenever the student needs it, he can access the content of the classes through the virtual environment.
Not to mention that the courses have a team of teachers to answer questions and discuss chats between classmates. Distance learning essay disadvantages of distance learning essay, and is not perfect; know the weaknesses before choosing a course
Disadvantages Of Ead
As with all decisions we make in life, the EaD course has advantages and disadvantages. The latter can will consider relative since not all students are affected by them.
In this case, as the success of distance learning essay depends on the student’s dedication, it will only be a disadvantage for those who do not commit. Here, we can also talk about the student’s concentration because it’s no use for him to be in front of the computer if he has the TV on or talking on the cell phone.
Another negative point of the distance education course is the low socialization since there is almost no face-to-face interaction between classmates. The disadvantages of distance learning essay depend solely and exclusively on the student. If he focuses on the classes, he can complete the course without difficulty, enjoying all its advantages.
Distance learning essay Acceptance
Prejudice against distance courses is decreasing with the offer of distance education from large institutions
Distance learning essay And Acceptance In The Labor Market
As distance education is gaining more and more space, many renowned universities have also taken advantage of this movement to offer distance courses.
But What Is The Acceptance Of Distance learning essay In The Job Market?
- Not long ago, there were reports about a particular “prejudice” against those who took online courses.
- If it was true, it was in the past.
- Today, with the popularization of the modality, the market has been very receptive to good professionals.
- This is because it is not the course modality that will dictate the individual’s potential in the professional sphere but their competencies and abilities to develop a particular activity.
Distance learning essay How To Choose A Course
It is good that you follow specific steps before signing up for an EaD course
How To Choose An Ead Course?
Before enrolling in an EaD course, it is necessary to consider some points, such as the location of the educational institution and whether the MEC recognizes it.
Below are about tips for choosing the proper distance education course for your profile.
- Check if the Ministry of Education recognizes the course. For some, you can get this information on the MEC website. Grades can vary from 1 to 5. If the system has a rate of 1 or 2, it does not meet the MEC requirements. Grade 3 indicates that it meets the operating requirements, while grades 4 or 5 show that the course is excellent.
- Choose the educational institution that is closest to you. Despite being a distance course, many require meetings for laboratory activities or tests.
- Visit the college, if possible, to see its facilities, especially the library and laboratories.
- Research the institution’s reputation in the market and gather as much information as possible.
- Understand how the course works, the workload, the disciplines, and the need to attend the site to carry out some activities.
- Following these steps, you will hardly make a wrong choice. So don’t be afraid to invest in EaD.
Ead Courses At FIA
The FIA (Fundação Instituto de Administração) has excellent options for your training and professional qualification, which you can check in the EaD section of the website.
Here are some of the distance learning essay courses:
- Trading Strategies
- Skills Management
- career planning
- Quality of life at work
- Entrepreneur Alert
- Retail Administration
- Strategic People Management
- Corporate Communication Management
- Knowledge management
- Corporative education.
There is no doubt that distance learning essay is an excellent alternative for those who need to reconcile the day-to-day rush with their studies.
Knowing how to choose the course and the educational institution, the student can only gain by betting on this methodology.
In addition to saving time, he also saves money since he does not need to travel to the course location, and the monthly fees are much more affordable than in the face-to-face modality.