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What Is Internal Trade
What Is Internal Trade: It is that trade between sellers and buyers of the same town, city, region, or country, where a previously stipulated commercial value will agree upon. Like international trade, internal free trade enjoys many benefits for society due to the constant flow of money between distributors, sellers, and buyers; consequently, the volume of economic activity increases. In addition to this, the distribution of monetary goods remains within the same territory, generating taxes that, in the future, will help social development.
It should note that it is trade where taxes wil generat only if it is from the legal framework, not from the informal economy. Social welfare will develop if those taxes are used for the nation and do not fall into the hands of corruption.
Likewise, a well-developed trade means that necessities are not imported from abroad, which favors the producers of a nation and, at the same time, the national economy. On the other hand, national companies, having a sound economic base in the country where they reside, seek to expand their horizons with other alternatives, such as foreign trade with which they can improve their territory economically.
Types Of Internal Trade
We can divide and classify this type of trade into two kinds. Depending on the buyer we focus on, we can organize this into two kinds.
Retail internal trade: Responsible for offering the products or services to the final consumer. She is also known as a small business or retail sector.
Wholesale trade: It distributes products or services among different retailers.
Although these are the two main types of commerce, the rise of digitization has led many authors to include a different kind of commerce here. So, naturally, we are talking about e-commerce.
This type of commerce, when it comes to online stores, also contributes to business and the national economy, which can be wholesale or retail.
Difference Between Internal And Foreign Trade
Internal and external trade are the two types of trade in which an economy develops. Both are very important to him, although they have evident differences like the ones we will see now.
As their names show, internal and external trade do not reflect the same thing. In this sense, we can distinguish them as follows:
Foreign trade is the trade we carry out abroad
. That is those commercial transactions of exchange of goods and services that, from a country, will carry out abroad.
Wat is Internal trade is the opposite
It is a trade that takes place within the same territory. In other words, commercial transactions involve the exchange of goods and services by specific economic agents residing and exchanging in the same environment.
Thus, foreign and internal trade complement each other, giving rise to magnitudes that reflect the computation of both phenomena.
Importance Of Internal Trade For Economic Development
what is Internal trade is a trade of great importance for a given economy. Abroad, any commercial activity that takes place positively affects the economy. However, both must maintain a constant flow to pass this benefit on to the national economy.
In this sense, trade is of vital importance for the economic development of a country. Thanks to the exchange of goods, the flow of money within an economy is constant, ending the economy with a large volume of economic activity.
In addition, this type of trade balances the distribution of wealth among citizens of the same territory since the exchanges take place within the same territory, generating revenue for the region through taxes.
Thus, a sizeable internal trade means that resources do not have to import from abroad, which favors the country’s producers and the economy. It is why internal trade is always of great importance to many economies.